The story began at a desk in a startup accelerator. Our 3D printing service started producing parts and delivering them to our customers.


After five years, the same thing happened again. We found an investor for our service and are growing. We produced thousands of parts with different technologies in different countries and sent them internationally. SLA, SLM, SLS, MJF, FDM were among the technologies we had.

It was discovered what users of the 3d print service need, what information they are looking for, and how they feel when ordering the parts.


It was our daily goal to determine the needs of 3D printing service users and provide them with creative solutions. There are a variety of problems, ranging from pricing to product delivery issues. We now had a team of experienced professionals who understood every need of our clients, as well as had creative solutions.

We are here today because of this fascinating and full of experience journey.

A strong programming team with a Machine Learning background and 3D printing experience, in collaboration with 3D printing service providers worldwide.


Layers are the result of years of experience in 3D printing around the world. Smart 3D Printing ERP, CRM, and MES Empowering 3D printing services and will inbound this market. 


Layers: Simply explained

Consider an individual starting a hobby or career in 3D Printing. First, they might start their journey by 3D printing stuff and working on them to get a better understanding of how this technology works. The next step might be starting to make money from providing 3D Printing services to others.

Although there are various tools to handle 3D Printing business, from small to larger scales, but usually it takes a noticeable time to get everything running smoothly, especially in terms of softwares, financial control/tracking and customer support.

Layers cut this gap by providing an AI-based software to control everything in your 3D Printing business with ease and in an efficient and quick way.


Inclusivity in Layers

What we encountered in 3D Printing world is that, this industry sometimes does not attract individuals and communities from diverse societies.

We built Layers to gather more people from different cultures, genders and minorities to express their creativity with more ease. We believe the more a technology evolves, the more people come to embrace it.

And now, Layers is here to evolve Additive Manufacturing (a.k.a 3D Printing) and Artificial intelligence at the same time; to provide an equal opportunity for everyone to make things, to make our planet safer and cleaner by empowering a cleaner and greener manufacturing technology