The latest update, V1.10.1, primarily centered on eliminating various glitches and bugs within the product. This update brings several enhancements, including the option to include a tax code on the PDF invoice, the ability to delete created roles in the roll and permission section, as well as a refactoring of the roll and permission functionalities. Additionally, performance improvements have been made to the automatic invoicing system.

Stripe Integration

online payment with stripe in your 3d print shop -

In our latest update (V1.10.1), we’ve fundamentally refactored the Stripe Integration, addressing numerous bug reports regarding transaction errors and 3D security problems. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Our team has dedicated significant effort to improving this crucial integration for seamless shop functionality. Your feedback on working with Stripe is highly valued, and we would greatly appreciate any insights you can provide.

Credit System

Payment options are a critical aspect of the user experience for 3D printing services. Our UX team’s analysis of customer reviews reveals a key trend: many customers prefer to split their payments into two or more installments. Ideally, they’d like the final payment to occur after receiving and inspecting the product for quality. This preference, however, creates challenges in managing payments and ensuring accurate transactions.

We’ve implemented a credit system designed to revolutionize payment flexibility for your 3D printing service. This layered system revolves around user wallets that can be topped up, depleted based on order value, and even managed directly by you, the shop owner. transaction and credit system

Here’s how it works: Each user has a dedicated wallet within our platform. When placing an order, users can choose to pay with their existing credit balance, top up their wallet for the specific order amount, or utilize a combination of both approaches. This system offers greater control for both you and your customers. Additionally, you have the power to add or subtract credit from individual user wallets as needed, allowing you to manage credit as desired.

One of the notable additions in this update is the enhancement of payment-related functionalities, particularly the introduction of the Transactions and Credit sections. With this update, you can leverage your shop’s credit system to streamline payments for your 3D printing service orders. Easily track your users’ transactions, top up their wallets with credit, and efficiently manage intricate multiple payments—a necessity in the manufacturing sector.

Other enhancements

This update brings several enhancements, including the option to include a tax code on the PDF invoice, the ability to delete created roles in the role and permission section, as well as a refactoring of the roll and permission functionalities. Additionally, performance improvements have been made to the automatic invoicing system.